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Keeping Track

February 25, 2007

Course for foreign-trained journalists

A new academic program for internationally-trained journalists and writers in Canada is being launched at Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Oakville, Ontario. Courses will begin in January next year.

“This is a ground-breaking academic (program) that is designed, in particular, to help foreign-trained journalists living in Canada develop their media skills,” says Joyce Wayne, coordinator of the Sheridan’s journalism program.

“We are optimistic that the students will be able to resume their journalistic activity armed with this new designation.”

The one-year graduate certificate program is a partnership between Sheridan and PEN Canada.

Isobel Harry, PEN Canada’s executive director, says: “We are cognizant of the need for journalists from other countries living in Canada – either in exile or willingly – to enhance their skills before approaching potential employers in the Canadian media.”

Harry adds: “This program at Sheridan will…go a long way toward providing these talented individuals with the ‘Canadian experience’ that will eventually land them a job.”

Carola Vyhnak, a senior editor at the Toronto Star , says: “There is a tremendous need for more diversity in the print media.

“The workforce in Canadian newsrooms falls woefully short when it comes to representation of diverse communities, and I welcome any plan that addresses the inadequacy.”

Courses to be offered in the program include:

•  Writing for the freelance market
•  Re-inventing your writing career in Canada
•  Canadian literature and history.

A 14-week internship is also offered as part of the program.

For more information call Joyce Wayne at: 905- 845-9430 Ext. 2349;
or by e-mail at